
Faculty of: Economics And Law



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 5 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LMG/01 (Law)

Law&Economics profile (5+1) - Professional outlets

The Law&Economics profile (5+1) allows access to all legal professions and other professions for which a Graduate programme in Law is required, by completing an integrated degree in Law:

  • lawyer
  • notary
  • magistrate
  • labour consultant
  • civil servant or civil service manager civil servant and legal advisor for the European Union
  • diplomat lecturer or professor
  • legal advisor in enterprises
  • advertiser in the specialised publishing sector
  • officer or manager in banks and insurance companies
  • officer or manager in public and private companies
  • company lawyer

The acquired knowledgewill allow an easy access to the field of legal consultancy for enterprises and in the organisational and management structures of enterprises that need legal competences and managerial skills useful for different business areas:

  • compliance to legal departments
  • legality assurance
  • internal audit
  • public affair profiles
  • study of regulation and specialists in relations with public agencies

A second degree in Business Management or Banking and Consulting, completed in one year, will also entitle the holder to obtain, after passing the public competition:

  • the qualification as a chartered accountant