
Faculty of: Law



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 5 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LMG/01 (Law)

The programme in a nutshell

A legal education of international standing

The study of the principles of law, both national and international, combined with a solid background in history and economics: hence the ability to interpret legal texts and produce new and effective ones. After a common three-year period, the student will choose a field of law to be explored: forensic, administrative, international, business or criminal law.

Teaching methodology

The traditional frontal teaching is enriched by a few choice seminars, meetings with jurists and literary critics and recently introduced practical initiatives (such as 'legal clinics').

Most of the subjects taught in this programme are of one-year duration.

What next? Entering the legal profession

A law degree is the only one that allows access to the State Examination for the legal professions (lawyers, judges, notaries). In addition to this traditional outlet, more and more companies and organisations are asking for legal expertise. According to statistics from recent years, almost 90% of graduates from this programme find a job within a year from graduation.

Studying Law means acquiring a basic national and European legal culture, mastering the techniques, methodologies and principles of law. To this historical knowledge, which allows to appreciate the law in its physiological evolution, and the development of capacities to produce, even with the use of computer tools, clear, coherent, relevant and effective legal texts in relation to the contexts of use, are added. The course also develops skills in interpretation, case analysis, legal qualification, understanding, representation, evaluation and awareness in order to deal with problems of interpretation and application of law, together with competence in the language and languages of law