
Faculty of: Political And Social Sciences

Labour management and communication for organisations


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-88 (Sociology and social research)

This programme is designed to train professionals to enter the labour market by focusing on the ability to know and manage business and organisational processes from the point of view of human resources and general management, as well as from the point of view of internal and external communication.

The main professional outlets include:

  1. management and direction of companies and other public, private and privatesocial organisations, with particular regard to the areas of personnel selection and training, human resources development and assessment, design and management of innovations, corporate welfare, social responsibility and corporate sustainability, research and design activities in research offices of companies, public bodies and trade associations;
  2. the management of press offices and internal and external communication and marketing in public, private and private-social enterprises and organisations; management of strategic communication of authorities and associations through traditional and new media; management of public relations services of private companies, organisations and public administrations; research activities in institutes dealing with surveys and public opinion monitoring.