
Faculty Medicine And Surgery

Medicine and surgery - technologically-oriented


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 6 years

Language Italian

Degree Classes LM-41 R

Internships and placements

The educational pathway aims to integrate the traditional curriculum of Medicine and Surgery with engineering knowledge and skills, while also delving into essential human sciences to establish an effective doctor-patient relationship from the first year of study.

Professional internship activities, commencing from the second year of the course, will allow students to engage early on with the hospital environment, fostering problem-solving abilities and providing them with direct practical training in the field.

Medicine and Surgery lectures are held at the Rome campus of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, while internships take place at the Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS. Technological contributions and the acquisition of the 30 credits required for the attainment of the three-year degree in Biomedical Engineering will be overseen by the Department of Industrial, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (DIIEM) of the Università Roma Tre.