
Faculty of: Political And Social Sciences

International Relations and Global Affairs - IRGA


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language English

Degree classes L-36 (Political science and international relations)

Coordinator: Mario Maggioni

Professors: Pietro Luca Azzaro, Simona Beretta, Mireno Berrettini, Mauro Bertolotti, Cristina Bon, Barbara Boschetti, Luca Gino Castellin, Emilio Colombo, Enrico Fassi, Emma Garavaglia, Paolo Gomarasca, Paolo Maggiolini, Mario Maggioni, Chiara Marenghi, Giovanna Mascheroni, Martino Mazzoleni, Claudia Mazzucato, Massimiliano Monaci, Beatrice Nicolini, Gianluca Pastori, Riccardo Redaelli, Domenico Rossignoli, Erika Uberti, Valentina Villa

Visiting: Martin KLEIN, Ibrahim AL-MARASHI, Craig MARTIN

Are you interested in learning about different societies, cultural traditions, and institutions around the world? Do you wonder why some countries are wealthier than others? Why some are in peace and others at war? Are you interested in learning how international disputes may be peacefully resolved? Would you like to understand how different regional civilizations have evolved, and how these characteristics continue to affect societies today? The Undergraduate programme in International Relations and Global Affairs (IRGA) is a unique programme addressing these topics. Combining history and political science, economics and law, sociology and psychology, the programme provides a coherent interdisciplinary curriculum that allows students to develop their understanding of how people, groups, countries, and international organizations interact in different parts of the world.

The programme in International relations and global affairs, entirely taught in English, is a curriculum of the undergraduate programme in Scienze politiche e delle relazioni internazionali.
The curriculum is coordinated by Mario Maggioni