
Faculty of: Arts And Philosophy



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-10 (Humanities)

The programme in a nutshell

Humanistic knowledge at the centre

The historical and literary disciplines form the core of the programme. Thanks to a flexible curriculum, students can choose among three profiles: Classics, History, and Modern Literature. The latter is divided into four areas of reference: philological-literary, cultural-historical, critical-publishing, artistic-literary.

Teaching methodology

The lectures are enriched by in-depth work and research that requires an active approach from the students.

What next? The labour market needs humanistic culture

A literary-historical cultural background and strong argumentative and discursive skills: these are the two great legacies of this programme. Therefore, in addition to the traditional outlets in teaching and research, graduates will be able to enter the world of journalism, communication, organisation of cultural events and management of artistic heritage.


The degree programme in Humanities provides a highly versatile cultural and professional profile in all areas where strong argumentative and discursive skills are required, particularly in the fields of teaching, publishing, communication, entertainment, historical memory and the development of cultural heritage. To this end, it provides students with a solid basic education in the traditionally fundamental areas of humanistic culture (philological-literary, linguistic, historical, historical-cultural, artistic), appropriately combining it with new knowledge in the areas of communication and contemporary expression, in the perspective of a constant dialogue between ancient and modern and a fruitful interaction between different disciplines and methodologies.

In addition, the undergraduate degree programme in Humanities offers students a very flexible study plan, thus giving them the opportunity to construct a largely customised one, responding to specific cultural interests and the occupational outlets they pursue. In particular, if the student is especially attracted by ancient civilisation and perhaps intends to continue his/her university education by enrolling in a graduate degree in Sciences of Antiquity, also with a view to teaching Greek and Latin at the Liceo Classico (as well as literary subjects and Latin in Licei, in technical institutes and in middle schools), he/she will be able to include in his/her study plan a whole series of specific lessons in the classical area; if, on the other hand, he/she wishes to study more in-depth the various aspects of modern culture, from the Middle Ages to the present day, with the prospect of enrolling in the graduate degree programme in Modern Philology, also in order to eventually obtain the qualification to teach Literature (and Latin) in the other Licei, in Technical Institutes and in Middle Schools, he/she will have the possibility of elaborating a study plan with a more marked modern vocation; if, finally, he/she intends to focus on the socio-historical dimension, he/she will be able to give adequate space in his/her syllabus to the teachings of the historical area and, by accessing the Graduate degree programme in Modern Philology (History), he/she will acquire the ECTS necessary to obtain the qualification to teach literature (and Latin) in the Licei and in the secondary schools of first and second degree. In addition, the variety of cultural and occupational profiles included in the Humanities degree programme makes it possible to outline different disciplinary aggregations, depending on the area of humanistic knowledge and professional skills to which a central training role is to be assigned. In particular, in the field of modern literature, there is a philological-literary profile, a historical profile, a critical-publishing profile and finally an artistic-theatrical profile.
However, it is precisely the singular richness and variety of the courses offered by the Humanities degree programme that can generate a certain sense of disorientation in students, especially at the beginning. In order to help you find your way through the wide range of courses on offer, and to design a coherent, consistent and effective study plan according to your interests, we have put together a number of useful suggestions.

It is a first arrangement of the training offer, thinned out and decanted, from time to time, on the basis of the individual cultural profiles that we have imagined and of the relative professional destinations: from this or that model, it will then be much easier for the student to define the study plan, choosing at will from homogeneous lists of disciplines. Among other things, by following our guidelines, the validity of which we guarantee, students will be able to submit their study plan automatically, by typing it in directly electronically, without having to go through prior scrutiny and approval of the competent teaching commission.