
Faculty of: Linguistic Sciences And Foreign Literatures

Foreign languages, literatures and cultures


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-37 (Modern American and European languages and literature)

Learning objectives

Specific educational objectives of the Graduate programme in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (belonging to the LM-37 class Modern European and American Languages and Literatures) are the acquisition of advanced skills in at least one of the European and American languages and civilisations, as well as in-depth knowledge of the literature and cultural heritage of modern European and American civilisations of which the languages studied are an expression. The specific objectives of the LM-37 also include the acquisition of the theoretical and applicative tools for understanding and interpreting multilingual literary and sectorial texts; for the translation of literary, essay and technical texts and the linguistic-stylistic revision of translations; for the development of products in the field of terminology; for language teaching; for the mature and conscious management of the techniques of drafting written and multimedia texts.
The standard duration of the graduate programme is a further two years after the undergraduate programme.


The training courses proposed in the LM-37 therefore allow the grafting of advanced linguistic skills in at least one of the following five languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian) onto in-depth knowledge of the historical, linguistic and socio-cultural context in which they are situated.
The training activities are spread over two years, in which the teaching of language skills alternates with teaching of literature, translation, theoretical and applied linguistics, linguistics of specialised texts, specialised terminology.
History of cultures and civilisations, media communication, aimed at achieving the educational objectives of the LM-37, with reference to its occupational outlets.
The expected learning outcomes will be achieved through a planned and regulated teaching structure, which will make use of face-to-face courses, thematic seminars, cycles of lectures given by experts from various fields, annual guided and/or self-study language exercises, in the classroom and in multimedia laboratories, individual practical work.
In addition, the graduate programme is a prerequisite for continuing studies in Specialisation courses, Specialising Masters and Doctoral programmes.