
Faculty of: Economics

Economics and management (Service management)


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-18 (Business administration)

The programme in a nutshell

The skills of the problem solver within a company

A solid business education enriched by the development of legal and economic competences: these are the essential conditions to be able to administer and manage a company.
Service Management is a specific profile that students choose after a common two-year period. Service Management is focused on the tertiary and commercial services sector and organised in cooperation with FORMATERZIARIO, Alta scuola di formazione per le imprese - Commercio, Turismo, Servizi e Professioni.

Teaching methodology

In addition to traditional lectures, the programme includes practical sessions, analysis of current issues, seminars and meetings with entrepreneurs and representatives of institutions, and internships in companies.

What next? A professional at the service of the tertiary sector

The collaboration between Università Cattolica and FORMATERZIARIO, Alta scuola di formazione per le imprese - Commercio, Turismo, Servizi e Professioni - makes it possible to combine the student's training needs with the requirements of professionalism and business competence. 

In particular, the initiative is geared towards:

  • training middle managers in the management career
  • seize the employment opportunities offered by companies in the tertiary and commercial services sector
  • create strong synergies between university education and businesses through the coordinated management of companyinternships


FORMATERZIARIO - Alta Scuola di Formazione per le Imprese del Commercio, Turismo, Servizi e Professioni promotes the undergraduate degree programme in Economics and Management with a study plan oriented towards the profile in Service Management. The undergraduate programme is a point of reference for those who want to acquire training and professionalism in the tertiary and commercial services sector, responding to the explicit need of companies to employ young people who are qualified and prepared to face the challenges that characterise the sector and to manage new business realities. In addition, this undergraduate programme allows access to first-level university masters and Graduate programmes.
