
Faculty of: Economics

Economics and management (late-afternoon-evening courses)


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-18 (Business administration)

The programme in a nutshell

The skills of the problem solver within a company

A solid business education enriched by the development of legal and economic competences: these are the essential conditions to be able to administer and manage a company. Following a common two-year period, students will have to choose a specific profile from Management, Finance, Marketing, ICT Management and Service Management (focused on the tertiary and commercial services sector and organised in collaboration with Scuola Superiore del Commercio del Turismo dei Servizi e delle Professioni). For those who have to combine study and work, there is also the possibility of attending the programme in the afternoon/evening.

Teaching methodology

In addition to traditional lectures, the programme includes practical sessions, analysis of current issues, seminars and meetings with entrepreneurs and representatives of institutions, and internships in companies.

What next? Management skills at the service of a company

The training acquired enables graduates to work in every functional area of a company: administration, planning of marketing and sales strategies, accounting management, market and investment analysis, corporate communication.


The Faculty of Economics has over 70 years of tradition of offering courses in the afternoon and evening hours (including Saturday mornings), with excellent results both in the concrete possibility of combining study and work, and for future career paths. Studying Economics and Management means aiming to acquire knowledge of the business area, for the administration and management of companies and all the processes that are part of them. Thanks to active teaching based on the exchange of experiences and oriented towards both problem setting and problem solving. The courses possess the scientific and teaching qualities of the Faculty of Economics at Università Cattolica. In the undergraduate degree programme, there is an ongoing emphasis on a formula that allows students a gradual and flexible learning process characterised by intermediate checks and valuable catch-up time during the year.