
Faculty of: Economics

Economics and law


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-18 (Business administration)

The course is based on teaching in four core areas: mathematicalstatistics, economics, business economics and law. A distinctive feature of the entire Faculty of Economics, and therefore also of this course, is the space dedicated to foreign languages: in addition to the compulsory English language in the first year, a second language - to be chosen from French, German and Spanish - is included in the study plan for the second year.

In order to obtain a three-year undergraduate, 180 university credits (ECTS) are required; as a rule, 60 credits are acquired each year by means of assessment tests for both teaching and supplementary teaching activities. Each course is given a certain number of credits (ECTS), the same for all students, and a grade (expressed in a mark out of 30) which varies according to the level of preparation. The final examination mark is expressed in a mark out of one hundred and ten