
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery


ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L/SNT3 (Technical health professions)

Qualification for the healthcare profession of dietician

The undergraduate degree programme in Dietistic, after in-depth study of basic chemical-physical, biological and psychological knowledge, includes courses relating to the composition of foodstuffs, food hygiene and safety, the structure and function of nutrients and their intervention in cell metabolism, as well as, of course, knowledge of the anatomical structure and function of organs and apparatuses of the human body.

During the second and third year of the course, theoretical and practical information on nutrition and eating behaviour is provided in order to prevent and intervene in the treatment of current diseases related to incorrect nutrition. In addition, internships gradually lead to face increasingly complex nutritional situations.

Courses, class schedules and exams