
Faculty of: Economics



Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language English

Degree classes LM-77 (Management)

Social impact program

Consulting for social impact program

In the academic year 2021/22 the programme partnered with The Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society (AISM) and The Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Foundation (FISM).

Multiple Sclerosis is among the most common major diseases of the central nervous system. The Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society was founded in 1968 and it is the only organization in Italy that addresses every aspect of multiple sclerosis, through advocating for the rights of people with MS and providing services and through orienting, promoting, and financing scientific research.

The aim of the consulting project for AISM-FISM
The students involved in the consulting for non-profit project contributed to the process aimed at developing the new multi-years strategic plan of AISM and FISM.
The specific contribution of students to the development of the new strategic plan was based on:

  • identifying the impact of main macro-trends on AISM/FISM (i.e., digital transformation, ecological transition, sustainable development goals and Piano Nazionale di Rilancio e Resilienza) for the following strategic plan;
  • analysing the current value chain of AISM/FISM and identifying the main strategic assets useful to face the new scenario;
  • designing a strategy for new potential commercial/hybrid activities that support AISM/FISM in a diversification of offered services and revenues streams for the following strategic plan (2022-2025).

The consultancy work offers unvaluable experience to enrich the students’ CV, beyond being an occasion for personal and professional development of organisational, relational, and communicational skills.