
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Cosmetic science and technology

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-29 (Pharmacy)


The cosmetics and wellness sector is becoming increasingly important. Adequately trained professionals are needed to support their scientifically rigorous and safe development. The undergraduate degree programme in Cosmetological Sciences and Technologies contributes to this end, enabling students to acquire knowledge and skills on cosmetic, dietetic-nutritional and wellness protection products, for the knowledge of the complete production chain, from the sourcing of raw materials to the marketing of the finished product.
The main fields of study envisaged in this highly multidisciplinary and innovative university programmeare: general and applied chemistry and biochemistry, biology, with particular emphasis on the study of natural compounds of plant origin, passing through pharmacology, toxicology and methods of formulating cosmetic products. This scientific and technological training is accompanied by the study of the principles of dermatology and skin pathophysiology and ends with basic training in economics and business management and communication psychology. At the end of the degree programme in Cosmetological Sciences and Technologies, it is possible to reinforce one’s academic knowledge or acquire more specific skills by accessing postgraduate training with Graduate Degree programmes, first-level university masters and advanced courses in the advanced cosmetology, food and chemical-pharmaceutical sectors.