
Faculty of: Political And Social Sciences

Communication and society


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L-20 (Communication)

The programme in a nutshell

Society seen through the lens of communication

A strongly interdisciplinary programme to provide students with a solid foundation in political history, sociology, economics and law. With the aim of keeping pace with the revolutions taking place in an increasingly digital and globalised society.

Teaching methodology

Not only lectures, but also workshops, group work and meetings with communication professionals. A very interactive approach, also made possible by a close relationship with the teachers.

What next? A dynamic profile in the world of communication

A keen eye for innovation for professionals able to work in different contexts: the editorial office of a newspaper, the press office of a company or institution, an advertising communication company.


In recent years, some radical changes have taken place in the field of media and communication in general: in particular, the increasing globalisation, the rise of the web in its 2.0 version, the digitalisation of almost all traditional media (books and newspapers, cinema, television, radio, music), up to the development of large social platforms and the spread of smartphones and smart speakers. These turning points - which are still ongoing - have major cultural, economic, political and social consequences, affecting every area of our daily lives, both in the private and public spheres. In addition to a sound theoretical basis, a successful entry into this professional field requires practical skills and technical knowledge, to which COMeS attaches particular importance.

The undergraduate degree programme in Communication and Society (COMeS) is a highly interdisciplinary course of study: its profile, which includes economic, political, legal, historical, sociological and statistical, psychological and linguistic disciplines, is designed to prepare professionals capable of keeping pace with the revolution taking place in the world of communication. A close relationship with the world of professions and business also allows the continuous updating of the training offer.