
Faculty of: Medicine And Surgery

Childhood neuro and psycomotricity

ROME-Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 3 years

Language Italian

Degree classes L/SNT2 (Health professions for rehabilitation)

Qualifying for the occupation of Childhood Neuro- and Psychomotricity Therapist

The programme in a nutshell

The programme aims to train a rehabilitation health professional who, in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team, is able to implement prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of child neuropsychiatric disorders in the various areas of neuro-psychomotricity, neuropsychology and developmental psychopathology.

As a professional, he/she is also able to build, through the application of clinical reasoning, targeted rehabilitation settings, and pursue short, medium and long term goals. At the same time, the programme aims to train a health professional capable of establishing a meaningful therapeutic relationship with the child and his or her family, and of establishing an effective relationship within the multidisciplinary team with which he or she collaborates.

Graduates in Childhood Neuro- and Psychomotricity will find employment both in the public sector (NHS facilities, accredited facilities) and in the private sector (rehabilitation centers, home rehabilitation, etc.).
The training project, which transversally covers all areas of intervention of the therapist of childhood neuro- and psychomotricity, is characterized by innovation and completeness, thanks to the significant synergy with the center of Child Neuropsychiatry and Ne.Mo Clinical Center of the University Polyclinic Foundation "Agostino Gemelli" IRCCS.

These centers, where students of the degree programme will carry out their internship, are in fact centers of reference and excellence for rare diseases, visual and neurovisual impairment, epilepsy and neuromuscular diseases and play a central role in the testing and research of new drugs at national and international level with a direct involvement in the professional figure of the childhood neuro- and psychomotricity therapist.
All types of educational activities provided by the system contribute to the achievement of the learning objectives specified by the European Descriptors of the study programme (Dublin Descriptors).