
Faculty of: Economics

Business administration and consultancy


Academic Year 2024/2025

Duration 2 years

Language Italian

Degree classes LM-77 (Management)

The demand for training for students/workers is growing: it is high and qualified. The response to this growing need has been the activation since the a.y. 2016-2017 of a Graduate degree programme that represents the transformation and expansion of the experience of the afternoon evening course offered at the Milan site. The considerable interest shown by students in the degree programme in management and business consultancy has prompted the Faculty to set up a course with similar objectives and study plan also at the Rome campus.

The LM 77 course of studies Business Administration and Consultancy - blended represents the evolution of the "history" of the Faculty of Economy, from which we all started, in a social context where:

  • work has become less structured and programmable, complex and fragmented, highly relational and often supported by sophisticated technology, both in the service and consultancy sectors and in manufacturing, commerce and public administration;
  • the individual's awareness of the need to broaden, deepen and update one's skills and knowledge is a clear life project to ensure an active and responsible presence within the evolving and frequently changing work environment (life-long learning);
  • the demands of companies, institutions and professional contexts for positions of responsibility require wider knowledge and the personnel development policies forsee, support in various forms and enhance models of certified deepening of knowledge;
  • the need to reconcile work requirements with the quality of personal and relational life (worklife balance emergencies) is evident and strong among the latest generations of workers.

The course of studies draws on existing experience, shares with the other Graduate degree programmes in business of the University a part of the basic training course, paying particular and special attention to the enhancement of the work experience of students/workers, through an original formula of e-blended.
The effectiveness of this project stems from the close collaboration with the research centres ILAB (Centre for Innovation and Development of University Teaching and Technology) and CREMIT (Research Centre for Media Education, Information and Technology Literacy).


The training project aims to:

  • respond to a growing demand for students/ workers;
  • train skills that foster the professional development and responsibility of those already in the labour market;
  • set up a learning context according to an "Executive" model, consistent with the availability of "blended" learning technologies available at the University (50% of teaching activities will be in presence, during the weekends - not in the evening hours - and the other 50% managed online through the most recent e-learning technologies);
  • promotion of a project with its own specific identity and primacy at a national level, given the particularities of the target group (students/workers), the delivery time and the plurality of the learning technologies used.