

Dean: Prof. Stefano Solimano

To train legal professionals who know how to interpret and apply the rules of the world in which we live and create new ones, suitable to face and solve today's problems, collecting and making the legacy of the great masters of law who have taught here always relevant: this is the aim of the Faculty of Law of Università Cattolica.

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Workshop of rules, lively intersection of human and cultural experiences

Founded in 1924, one of the first faculties of the University, it is among the most authoritative and prestigious in Italy, for the care dedicated to technical, cultural and human preparation, for the level of its scientific research (ranked high in the last QS University Rankings survey and among the first in Italy in the recent Quality Assessment of Research-VQR2011-2014), for the seriousness and rigour of the courses delivered, for the ability to recognize, stimulate and enhance the merit of its students.
Special attention is dedicated to the training of professional and humanly "well-rounded" jurists, endowed with a solid legal competence, but also with the ability to face the problems of the society in which they will operate with a critical spirit, dialogue skills, relational sensitivity and, above all, a sense of justice. There is now a constant awareness of how much these qualities, indispensable for a satisfactory integration into the world of work, can be developed above all through experiences and studies open to the international reality, to the exchange between different cultures and disciplines, to language learning that is never separated from the mastery and the respect for one's own language, from the ability to find the "right" word.