

Dean: Prof. Domenico Simeone

La Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, ricca di una grande tradizione, ha sempre concentrato la sua attenzione sui problemi educativi riguardanti la persona umana, colta nell’integralità delle sue dimensioni. A questo scopo, e per rispondere adeguatamente alle sfide della società contemporanea, elabora e sviluppa risultati innovativi nella ricerca pedagogica, in costante dialogo interdisciplinare con le diverse scienze dell’uomo. Questo legame tra solide fondamenta e nuove prospettive dell’educazione, secondo una visione personalista, è il punto di forza della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione, attiva, oltre che a Milano, anche a Brescia e Piacenza.

Education has three perspectives: the individual as a person, as a subject in himself/herself, [...] and the individual as a being to be put into a society and to be civilised, that is to say to be made a subject able to interact and conscious of the idea of society itself and willing to participate in the values of culture and civilisation elaborated by mankind before he/she was born
Aldo Agazzi, Dean of the Faculty from 1968 to 1973

On these foundations, the Faculty has opened up to the new challenges of knowledge and the new perspectives of education.
Today it is one of the most up-to-date and qualified educational laboratories, which develops the most innovative results of pedagogical and educational research thanks to the new spaces that communication technologies, bioethics, neuroscience and intercultural debate have opened up to education. The rich interdisciplinary contribution - guaranteed by the dialogue between psychology, sociology, literature, philosophy, history and the University's different areas of study - and an academic offer attentive to the link with the world of work make it possible to reach an employment rate of over 80% of recent graduates.
The Faculty's academic proposal is present in the campuses of Milan, Brescia, Piacenza-Cremona.