
Faculty of: Banking, Finance And Insurance Sciences

Statistical and actuarial sciences


Academic Year 2023/2024

Duration 2 years

Language English

Degree classes LM-83 (Actuarial, financial and economic statistics)

The two main professional figures trained by this degree programme are the actuary and the
quantitative risk manager.
The actuary (find out more) uses mathematical, statistical and probabilistic models with the support of software and databases to construct and evaluate financial, insurance and pension products, assess technical reserves in the financial statements of non-life and life insurance companies, evaluate the economic balance of pension funds and, more generally, provide support in all those analyses that require a probabilistic and scenario-based evaluation of economic and business phenomena.
This activity can be carried out at a professional level (actuarial offices or actuarial consultancies), in insurance companies, social security institutions, pension funds, Italian and European financial supervisory authorities and
in all public and private sectors where actuarial skills are required. The LM in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences allows admission to the State Examination, which entitles the holder to practice as an actuary.
The risk manager is a professional figure who deals with the quantitative measurement of risks in order to support business decisions from a risk-based viewpoint. This activity is carried out mainly within financial institutions (banks and insurance companies) in which the European regulations impose the presence, discipline and professionalism requirements. The quantitative risk manager is also developing in non-financial companies and in those where quantitative risk measurement is considered strategic (e.g. in the energy sector and gambling).
The quantitative risk manager is mainly employed in financial institutions, financial consultancies, and in all companies or non-financial institutions where quantitative risk measurement is required in order to support business decisions on a risk-based basis.